NAME: MUHAMMAD LUQMAN ANIQ BIN NORHISHAM MATRIC NUMBER: 2214447 COURSE TITLE: SUSTAINABLE DEVELEOPMENT: ISSUES, PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES COURSE CODE: SCSH 1201 SECTION: 807 INSTRUCTOR'S NAME: ASST. PROF DR. NILAR WIN @ FAHMIDA UNIVERSITY- INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA Assalamualaikum everyone, for today I will talk about our 6th SDG which is clean water and sanitaion. Quoting the saying from H. Auden, “Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” This shows that water is one of if not the most important thing in our life as a human being. The most valuable resource for humans is water. To maintain human' health and their capacity to study in school, water accessibility and good sanitation are crucial. Water supply and sanitation have an intriguingly close relationship. Every institution or buildings that needs basic sanitation must have a reliable water supply. Water source such as taps and wells are e...